Oriental dance veil


Oriental dance veil

Excellent quality veil for oriental dance. It is made of chiffon fabric and its design has corners at the upper ends and rounded corners at the lower ends. It is available in fuchsia color and its dimensions are 102 x 263 cm.

Bellydance is characterized as the dance of the East. Its name comes from the American interpretation of dance (belly dance). In Europe it is known as oriental. We know it as tsifteteli. It is a mysterious and seductive dance, the roots of which can be traced back many centuries. Its exact origin and history are lost in the depths of the centuries. There are various theories. Some of them refer to it as a dance of fertility, since according to theories it comes from the fertility rituals of North and Central Africa or from the rituals in honor of the fertility gods of the Middle East and the Mediterranean.

In its current form it is mainly widespread in the Arab world and in Turkey in Iran and in some parts of India. Belly dancing is quite free, but in practice it is governed by very strict rules, and it is very difficult. There are many types of belly dance, depending on the origin, the music, the means used by the dancers (swords, etc.) and the desired aesthetic result, but also the requirements of the audience or the performance.

Code: veil


